Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Challenges on the Spiritual Journey

December 7th

There is nothing more to do than come to us daily and follow the threads of intuition and action we provide.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

My husband left yesterday to go overseas. I wanted to act out and overeat, but I did not. I miss the trees, the water, and the sky of the Northern land and have felt the depression, again, of leaving and returning to a hot city. Also, I am concerned about my books and their success or lack thereof. I also must say that I am sick and tired of my ego worrying about all these things. I bring this all to my meditation today.

“My child, this is your path. Spiritual seekers, those who make the greatest difference, ask for reassurance most often. This is not a sign of weakness, of fear or of shame. It is a sign of your deep and profound connection to Spirit and your wisdom in knowing you are sourced by souls and energies greater than yourself.

There is nothing more to do than what comes to you each day. Pay attention to the angels sent to assist you on your path. Follow the threads of action and the intuitions that you are being given. Pay attention to the vision you see and the spontaneous flashes of light.

We are with you. So many soul and spiritual supporters surround you. Let us bless you with clarity, assistance and action to take. Deep inside, your path resonates in your soul. This is to be guarded. This is to be honored. This is to be defended and protected above all else. Pay attention to the ways that we speak to you in this place deep inside.

You are on the path of sacred living. Your Divine purpose has been made clear. Teach others to do the same. Teach them how to find their purpose and manifest their unique gifts to the masses.

The ease may come, but only after the challenges are met and barriers embraced. You have earned the ease. You have honored your call.”

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clarity and Surrender.....

November 3rd

To gain clarity and guidance, you must be willing to risk being lost in despair.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I want to make a difference and want to learn how to surrender more and more each day. I continue to get pulled into other people’s dramas. I bring this to my meditation today.

“My child, my sister. To live in the world and not be of the world requires a unique connection to Divine Creator and a spiritual maturity not often found in social circles. These soul supports will come and have come to unite with you on your journey, but you must see them with eyes of a mystic.

As these companions on the mystical journey continue to emerge, there will be rejoicing, as well as somber reflection and unification for the greatest good.

As always, your Divine purpose has been made clear. It is to inspire individuals to find their Divine purpose within and carry out this expression for the good of the masses. You have been called to accomplish this through connection and reunion with the Sacred Feminine voice, which remains dormant in the souls of many.

Come to us for guidance. Come to us for inspiration. Come to us for assurance. Come to us for courage. Come to us for all that you need and want and all will be revealed to you. It is the simplest of messages. It is the most difficult of disciplines.

Coming to us requires initiation through the portals of self-will, shame, doubt, despair, loneliness, fear and isolation of spirit, mind and heart. As you continue to come with heavy heart, your strength will be renewed in all ways.

To gain power, you must be willing to lose it. To gain sight, you must be willing to know blindness. To gain guidance and clarity, you must risk being lost in despair. To gain fulfillment, you must be willing to embrace desperation. This is the message to give.”

Monday, October 25, 2010

Purpose and Guidance from Within

October 25th

Go within for purpose and guidance.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I feel unmotivated today. I have resistance to giving up struggle and welcoming ease and abundance. The other thing on my mind is to write a book about women hurting and betraying each other. I think we often judge and criticize each other to avoid seeing ourselves clearly. I bring this to Mary and my guides today.

“The path of Divine purpose and expression is often full of joy and surprise, loneliness and sometimes frustration. This path on which you walk and commit yourself to is a gift to all as you share with others its authenticities; both fulfilling and frightening. The longing you carry with that brings you forward on the journey are the seeds from which your greatest gifts spring forth.

The deep desire to make a difference provides you discipline and determination. The deep desire to reflect within and deepen in your personal and spiritual maturity provides you the wisdom and will to surrender and seek our guidance. The deep desire to commune with nature and fulfill your inner calling for serenity and connection provides you with the focus to move forward and remain present on this journey.

Remember these deep desires within in order to keep yourself moving forward with clarity and light.

Go within to remember. Go within for energy and vitality. Go within for purpose and guidance.”

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ancient, Divine Resources are available to you....

October 6th

When you invoke the presence of ancient resources, they will be given to you.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I have a legal issue to decide today. I feel some anxiety and not sure what to do. I bring this to my guides. I have this belief and it is that all the guides that have assisted me and brought me here will continue to guide me along the way.

“Remember to pause, breathe and call us in. All the guides that have walked with you through the struggles, the sabotaging, the healing and the pain are with you now. Remember to pause, breathe and invoke their presence.

All the guides, the angels, and the ancient resources that wait for you to gaze upon them and open to their knowing, guidance and wisdom are at wait right now. Remember to pause, breathe and open to them.

When you invoke their assistance in living your life purpose, they respond. When you surrender and open to ancient guides waiting to serve your Divine destiny, they respond.

We are here for you. We respond to your call. We await your request for assistance. All is well.”

Monday, September 27, 2010

Angels and Partners Along the Way

There are soul angels and allies along your path. Pay attention.
Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I feel frightened today about all that is before me and how to complete the many projects and commitments that I have. I wonder what is next and how to get the support I need? What should I focus my energy? I bring this anxiety and fear to Mary and my guides today and ask for wisdom.

"So much is birthed in frustration and tension. Remember, there is nothing that you do alone. We are always with you and the way will be made clear for you. Doors will open, words will be spoken, support and allies will appear and all will be revealed. All will be revealed along the way.

It is your time and time for your gifts to be shared and spoken. Look for the signs and follow where the light leads. Notice where it does not shine the way as well. Pay attention to those who honor and bless you on the path and those who are not able to see clearly the path unfolding. These are the soul angels sent along the way. They are your guides, your allies, and your encouragers who bless and love you on your journey.

Watch for the old learned ways of trying to impress, convince or change those who do not honor and reflect your Divine giftedness and calling. There are more lessons here. To allow yourself the gift and blessing of Divine reflection ONLY takes time. You still want from someone else what they can not give and forget to welcome from others what they are able to give freely.

When you notice this old wound, come to us. Come to the place of comfort and nourishment for the young wounded places inside still seeking healing. As there is continued healing here, there will be consistent movement toward allies that support and honor. There will be consistent movement away from those who do not.

All has its order."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Challenges and the gifts therein...

All experiences provide you with gifts that sometimes come through the challenge of it all.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

We are almost in London airport after a challenging trip. I feel relieved, tired, present and joyful. I surrender today and ask what Mary and my guides may have to say.

“We are always here for you. We adore you and support you and are available at each moment that you choose to turn your gaze to us. We are abundantly resourced, most especially for you.

All of your experiences provide you much needed gifts and teachings that can only be received through the challenges of it all. Nothing escapes our view. Nothing escapes our sense. Nothing escapes our energy field and intention for the good and wellbeing of those involved. We hold the spiritual evolution of your soul and spirit in our soul and spirit.

We are here for you. Look to us in joy. Look to us in challenge. Look to us in the ordinary moments of your life.This sacred union of spirits blesses you, but more significantly, it is given through you to enhance the lives of others.

Come to us. We are here for you.”

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Loving Self-Loving Others

Loving others is always a reflection of the degree to which we love ourselves.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I feel frustration, disconnection and tension with a friend. She seems resistant and frightened like a little girl. I am judging her and coming face to face with my own expectations, coming face to face with my own control and wanting things to be my way.

“It is perhaps, the most difficult and painful lesson; allowing people to be where they are, seeing them in their glory, seeing them in their woundedness and seeing them in all places in between. It requires discipline and a conscious intention to welcome all of who they are and all of who they are not. It requires self-love and discipline to welcome all of who we are and all of who we are not, as well.

Loving others is always a reflection of loving ourselves. Always. It is an indication of our shadows, warm embraces, tolerance, challenges and lessons to learn.

Look to your friend today. See and love in her the places that you are not yet fully able to love and embrace yourself. See your reflection and smile knowingly. Allow yourself the insight and wisdom of self-reflection and honesty.

We are with you always.”

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Embracing the MYSTERY

While some occurrences on the physical plane make no sense, all make sense at the soul level.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I feel sad and lethargic today. It is hard to be of service to others when I am in this place. I also feel guilty knowing how much poverty and tragedy surround me. I know that I am fortunate in many ways even though my heart is heavy with injustice. I bring this to Mary and my guides for inspiration and comfort. I also feel the presence of my mother and my father with me.

“My child, you are loved, you are known, you are seen and heard. We are here for you. You have the rare privilege of knowing and experiencing, on the soul plane, what most do not know on the physical plane. With these mystical gifts and privileges come great sacrifice and pain. Often to experience the deepest joys, you will experience the deepest grief. This is the way of the mystic and the soul’s journey in honoring and embracing your Divine destiny.

Some answers and reasons for these happenings on the physical realm may not be clear. But, all these happenings have a reason in the soul and spiritual realm.

Nothing has occurred on the physical realm without purpose and opportunity for soul work to be done. As you embrace this mystical wisdom, you will see, know and experience the greater vision, purpose and Divine destiny for all things.

The desperation, loneliness and hopelessness, too, have their purpose. These physical sensations bring you to us. These physical sensations also allow you more vivid visions of your soul’s destiny. These physical sensations also allow deeper and more profound knowing of the soul’s connection to all and purpose for all.

We all have sacrifice on the physical realm to experience great mysteries revealed and gifts embraced on the soul’s realm. Your comfort in times of darkness come in many ways including knowing that you are not alone and ancient companions accompany you.

You must also know that while some sacrifices occur on the physical realm, the soul’s work is being done for the greatest good of all involved.

There is nothing, nothing on the spiritual journey and the soul’s journey that is meaningless for those willing to surrender to a higher good in service for all, even when there seems no understanding of it on the physical plane.

We are with you and you are not alone.”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Acceptance of who someone is and who they are not, is a gift to all.

the wisdom of Mary Magdalene

My friend is visiting. I love her so. I look forward to being with her. She has different spiritual practices than I do. She likes the things I detest; traditionalism, patriarchal, masculine language. I feel frightened and sad. I want to share my time with Mary and Jesus, but cannot or feel I cannot. I bring to Mary and my guides.

“A great gift to offer those we love is the intention to meet them right where they are, just as they are, who they are and who they are not. Being with them in this way, when we are able to do this, transcends any doing or saying that one might experience.

Be with her. Hear her words. Respond to her heart and trust that in the being of it all, there is powerful connection and mercy exchanged.

Be with. Be with. Breathe, release and be.”

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spiritual Belonging

Breathe deeply, surrender all to us and walk the path. We are with you.

the wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I feel scared and anxious today and I want to blame another individual for my discomfort. Part of me wants to run away and another part of me wants to attack. I feel shame, fear, needy and alone like a small child. I want someone to rescue me and to feel safe and protected. I bring this to my prayer and meditation today.

‘We are here for you. You are welcome as child who needs a family. We are here for you.

You are welcome as an adult who is unsure of the path. We are here for you.

You are welcome as a lost child on your path and looking for direction. We are here for you.

The secret of walking the path is simple; walk the path.

There are many healings and wounding that will happen, and will move through you as you are walking the path.

There is a desire to manipulate, control or direct this path, but really all you are to do is walk it, come to us, surrender it all and trust.

All that needs to move through you, will move through you as you walk the path.

All that needs to find its way out or in or around, will. Just walk the path, one day at a time. Walk your path and trust.

We are here for you.”

Friday, March 5, 2010

Letting go.

On the journey of spiritual maturity, there are times of ending and letting go.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I have a choice to make and not sure what to do at this time. I know that either direction or choice I make has a consequence. I bring this to my morning meditation and prayer practice and ask for guidance from Mary and my guides.

“There is an Energy Law that supports all of your actions to source your spiritual journey.

Whenever a choice is made consciously by you and through Divine intervention on your behalf, there is a shift of energy and a shift of worlds.

Each time a choice is made to honor yourself by closing a door or direction that does not serve you, a new path will open and you will see the blessing and Divine synchronicity of your journey with us.

Whenever you make a choice to honor your own inner knowing and release an attachment to an outer focus, you will find the world shifts to bless your new energy.

You will receive outward signs aligned with your inward commitment.

Money will flow to you. Partnerships will deepen or will be birthed. Your dreams and passions will be given a new outward expression.

Those times of ending open new more fully blessed times. These times of opening and manifestation of your deepest desires, deepest dreams, and sharing of your sacred gifts will come. Where there is ending, there is always opening.

See how the flow happens. Welcome the endings and embrace the new beginnings of Divine Energy flowing through you.”

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Welcoming Blessings....

Embracing and honoring our wounds is the first step to welcoming healing and blessing.

Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

I sat with Mary and my guides in my prayer and meditation practice this morning and was able to see with her how to welcome great blessings in my life. She showed me how to live in the welcoming of blessings and not return to old patterns of drama and pain. Here is what came to me during this time.

“A spiritual life that begins and ends from within will always create more blessings and more good. Our energies become more and more aligned with that of Divine energy and only good will come from that. Outside of our meditations and time with our guides we will also find our thoughts more and more on spiritual matters and solutions.

We let go more readily.

We speak up for justice more easily.

We clearly say no when we mean no and yes when we desire yes.

We pray for solutions and guidance and take action after discernment and clarity have come.

We begin to clarify our own values and focus on honoring who we really are and what matters most.

As more good manifests around us, we have joy and peace as part of our daily being. We may find that deep, old messages of pain will surface telling us we don’t deserve or who do we think we are, etc.

These are times to embrace ourselves and let the pain and sadness of these hurtful, oppressive messages wash over us. This allows the messages and wounds to be felt, honored and released. If we welcome and don’t resist these old messages, they will lose their power to sabotage or sneak up on us in other ways to make themselves known and heard. We can listen with openness, appreciate the role they have played and welcome our new beliefs.

The Divine Creator demands our self-expression.

We are created to be bold and bring our unique message and gift to others.

We deserve to be surrounded and blessed with beauty and abundance.

We deserve and are called share this beauty and abundance with others.

Always the cleaning and clearing comes from within. We welcome the good. We know that allowing the old messages to have a voice allows for them to be released. We then welcome the good and new messages to take their place.

We welcome a new message from the Divine.

Come to us for assistance.

We bless you with abundance and all good things.”