July 25th
Loving our darkness invites the light.
Wisdom of Mary Magdalene
I thanked Mary today for choosing me as her messenger and brought her my gratitude and humility. Mary responds with,
“I have chosen you as you have chosen me. As you come to us you will clear the space so that you can receive from us the blessings and messages to carry in the world. As you have cleared out past patterns and pains from your own soul work and embraced your own unique spiritual path, you’ve chosen me. With that, you have chosen your purpose and you’ve chosen your destiny.
It is all a result of your surrendering to Divine Source. It is all a result of doing your part to embrace and release the places of pain and hurt. From deep within our greatest challenges come and from deep within, our unique and most profound gifts also come.
You have chosen me. I have chosen you. Together we manifest gifts and blessings for all. It is part of Divine destiny, my sister, my child, my friend.”