I am aware today of my Spirit Guides and Soul Partners calling me to "go with the flow." It's a challenge for me as I have always been one to get things done, coming from a family with a value for a good work ethic. Today, I am catching glimmers of understanding the difference between forcing an outcome through my own efforts and connecting deeply with Spiritual Resources, surrendering to the flow of Divine Guidance and taking actions that align with this flow. I am learning this distinction and feeling very excited as this wisdom seeps into my body, mind and soul.
In my prayer and meditation practice, I surrender to the moment and do my part to bring my consciousness into Divine Consciousness, releasing thoughts and fears that do not serve. As I release and empty myself to Divine Presence, I am able to receive the sense of Oneness and wisdom available to us all. In this moment, I surrender to the guidance of my Higher Power, God, Goddess and Spirit Divine knowing that as I stay present in the moment, I will see, hear, feel, and sense the abundance of Spiritual Guidance available to me. When I release concerns for my children, my own clients, my relationships with others, growing our wealth and making a difference in the world, I am then invited to follow the signs and guidance that comes to me. Surrender to the Holy Quiet and the Spiritual Flow offers me this amazing gift of Divine Connection. I am no longer "doing it on my own" but trusting that in the quiet, where I surrender, I can then receive and be guided in manifesting my desires and being of service to others.
Blessings to you as you surrender to the Quiet and follow your own Divine Flow!
June 20th
Often our most powerful action is quiet stillness.
Wisdom of Mary Magdalene
I long to reconnect with someone I know and love that I have been out of contact with for a while. I know they do the best they can and yet I do not know how to be amidst their anger and criticism without taking it all personally. I ask all of my guides to assist me and make clear to me any action there is to take and they say,
“Your action is stillness and quiet. Your action is prayerfulness and surrender. Your action is willingness to do something and the courage to do nothing.
You are doing all there is to do. As painful as it is, often the action to take is quiet waiting in stillness. As you disengage from an old, painful dynamic, there is perspective and clarity and joy comes in time.
When we see ourselves clearly and embrace quiet stillness, our hearts are free to embrace, to hold, to heal and to ask forgiveness. In quiet stillness, the answers come.
You can pray for all these things. You can ask for all these things. You can wait for all these things and it shall be given to you in Divine time, in Divine ways and in Divine form.
Prayer for yourself and pray for this person you love. Pray for your connection and continue to act according to Divine inner guidance.
All is well. Trust. Share your love with this person, heart to heart and spirit-to-spirit in quiet stillness. Surrender and relax.”