Wednesday, November 19, 2008

with our gifts come great responsibility

With every great gift comes great responsibility.

   Our bodies and energy systems are created for flow and movement. AS women, we are especially gifted with receptivity; the ability to receive and merge with energies around us. Our openness to these energies around us is a gift and with every gift, there is responsibility. In order to use our sensitivity and receptivity for service, we must learn to channel and hold the energies we want and then to release those energies that do not serve and contribute.
   This discernment and skill come with practice. It begins with noticing energies. Which energy flows and which environments enhance our vitality? Which energy are blocked and which environments deplete our vitality? Where and when do we feel alive and fed with vital energy? Where and when do we experience a pull and depletion of our energy?
   Then, our responsibility is to choose to honor our own energy flow and vitality. We must begin to say "yes" to where our energy is vital and flowing and "no" to where our energy is depleted and lowered. This is difficult for us as women as we have been conditioned to give of ourselves and to care for others without consideration for our own vibrancy within.
   We are daughters, mothers, friends, sisters, teachers, healers and many other roles that require giving our time and energy to others. All of our care-giving may "feel" good and "fulfilling" in some ways, however, we much balance our energy output with energy input and seek to replenish. In this way, we honor the gift of receptivity and energy flow and keep ourselves vital. When this vital energy is intentionally protected and honored, we make the greatest difference to all we know and those we touch.

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